Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Alcohol and its visible effects on brain

By A Bisht

A Tippler is actually a person of smaller brain.

According to a study, the more alcohol is consumed, the smaller the brain volume.

Things which are good for the heart are not always good for the brain.

Moderate drinking is proven to be good for the heart; but it shrinks the brain volume.

Even little amount of alcohol consumption causes the decrease in brain volume

Only abstainers can boast of zero brain shrinkage; as any amount of alcohol consumption – light, moderate or heavy, results in decrease in brain volume.

A certain amount of brain shrinkage is normal with age

Shrinkage in brain volume at the rate of 2% per decade is normal. Shrinkage above this rate can be a health problem.

Men are more prone to alcohol addiction than women

Brain Shrinking characteristics are more distinct in women than in men

In men, though brain shrinkage happens in all—light, moderate and heavy drinkers, the change is distinctly visible only in heavy drinkers.
On the contrary, when compared to abstainers or former drinkers, even light and moderate drinkers among women have distinct brain shrinkages.

All these facts point to very small differences ,the difference in brain volumes of drinkers and non-drinkers is quite small

Less than 1.5 %